Friday, September 23, 2016


Arsenal are set to play against Chelsea on Sunday. During his press conference on Friday, Arsenal Manager, Arsene Wenger was asked to comment on an alleged Jose Mourinho's statement on his new book.
Mourinho is alleged to have said, "When Mr. Wenger criticises CFC and Manchester United over the deal with Mata...I will find him one day outside a football pitch and I will break his face.
Arsene Wenger responding to the statement ahead of this weekend's Premier League Clash said, "What is amazing is that has nothing to do with our game tomorrow. I personally am just focused on doing my job well and respecting everybody else.

"Look I haven't read the book, and I certainly won't read it. I can not comment on that. I talk about football, that's all I do.
 "I'm not in a destructive mode ever. I am more constructive and I cannot comment on that because I am focused on tomorrow's game and how we want to play football.

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