Monday, March 27, 2017


Shane Long's wife Kayleah is our beauty for this week.

During a World Cup qualifier between Ireland and Wales on Friday, Seamus Coleman suffered a horrific leg break.

As the Everton defender lay on the ground in serious pains, his teammate Shane Long helped in the only way he knew how - by applying a technique that aids pregnancy.

The Liverpool Echo Reports that in the aftermath of the injury, Long rushed to support his friend by putting the calming method into practice as Coleman received oxygen whilst on the pitch.

“I was just trying to settle and relax him,” the Southampton striker would later reveal.

And Long may have used some techniques learned during his wife’s pregnancy in order to do so.

Wife Kayleah told the Sunday Independent: “I had a hypnotherapy birth and they taught Shane to help me to breathe through it.

“He told me: ‘It all came back to me. I was just talking to Seamus, teaching him how to breathe through it.’ He remembered it all.

“I asked if Seamus was listening to him and he said, ‘Yes, to be fair, he was. He was really breathing well.”

Kayleah added that Coleman sent Long a text message after the game to thank him for his support during the immediate aftermath of the injury.

Coleman underwent successful surgery in Dublin on Saturday, and will now begin the long road back to fitness. He is not expected to start playing until 2018.

However, all thanks to Shane Long for his on-field support, and especially to Kayleah for her role as well.

Thumbs up to you Kayleah, you are our beauty for this week.

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