Wednesday, September 27, 2017


It is a universally accepted opinion that Eden Hazard is pretty good. Scratch that, very good.

The Belgian was in sparkling form last season as he helped guide the Blues to the Premier League title under Antonio Conte , and now he's recovered from injury he's sure to have a big impact on his side in the current campaign.

But what does he think goes into making the perfect player?

Well, in a feature with France Football magazine ahead of Chelsea's Champions League trip to Atletico Madrid on Wednesday, he was asked to name the attributes of fellow pros that he would use to make up what he sees as the perfect player.

There are nine of them in total, and prepare for some surprises along the way.

Finishing: Luis Suarez
He faced him in the Premier League when the Uruguayan was at Liverpool, and clearly Hazard is a fan of Suarez's goal-getting abilities.

The Barcelona man has scored 123 goals in 153 games for his current club, and so is an obvious pick, but there's no place for his teammate Lionel Messi in Hazard's "Frankenstein" creation.

Vision: Cesc Fabregas
“I have had the chance to play with [Cesc] Fabregas and I can say that he has the best game vision in the world," Hazard told France Football.
"He does not run fast, technically he does not make gestures. But he has that thing, and he has it since he was born. If I have his vision of the game, I’d be on a much higher level."

Movement: Karim Benzema
The Real Madrid forward was praised by Hazard for his his movement off the ball, which has helped him plunder 181 goals for the club since he arrived from Lyon in 2009.

Set-pieces: Christian Eriksen
Hazard initially wanted to pick the former Lyon midfielder Juninho Pernambucano to be his set-piece taker, but after being reminded that he had to go for a current player he settled on Tottenham's Eriksen.
"He shoots them too well," he said.

Class: Andres Iniesta
It is a fairly ambiguous term to describe a footballer, but by whatever parameter you want to define it, you'd have so concede that Barcelona's Iniesta is certainly full of class.

Heading: Christian Benteke
He might be languishing at the bottom of the Premier League right now, but Crystal Palace's Cristian Benteke - a Belgium international teammate of Hazard's of course - is the heading head bog.

After also praising Cristiano Ronaldo and Marouane Fellaini, he said: "Benteke, a crazy thing! He jumps, pah, goal!”

Physicality: Cristiano Ronaldo
Ronaldo does yet the nod for his physical attributes though, which is the one the Real Madrid superstar would surely have wanted above any other.

Leadership: John Terry
"John Terry is the best captain in the world," said Hazard. "He is there, he encourages you all the time. He screams.
"When you do not play well, it does not matter, he speaks to you, tells you that you must move. He has the right words. When I am a captain, I say to myself: ‘What am I going to say?’ I should be able to but I cannot. And there is no question of forcing myself.
"It will not be me. I do not like it. Some people like to talk, others do not.”

Speed: Eden Hazard
And for his speed, Hazard picked himself.
“For my speed, or rather acceleration, it is thanks to my mother, who has a shape that resembles mine," he said.
"She’s a sports teacher, my dad too. I did not even do exercises when I was a kid, that’s also innate. As far as I am concerned, I have this quality of speed over a few metres, not on a long distance.
"After that, I am quickly tired … But for the first five metres, at the start, I am not bad.”

Source: The Mirror.

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