Saturday, January 28, 2017


Jurgen Klopp was left fuming after a chance to win his first Liverpool trophy was defeated by a controversial ‘handball’.

In particular, he pointed to what he said was “an obvious handball” from Shane Long that would have put his side ahead on the night and taken this tense tie into extra time.

Roberto Firmino’s effort appeared to strike the Southampton striker high on the arm, while Divock Origi was looking for a penalty when visiting defender Jack Stephens clamped on him in the area. Stephens appeared to take the ball but Klopp was left angry and bemused.

He said: “The handball was clear. Maybe it’s not interesting but it is really hard to accept week by week by week.

“Manchester United scored a goal three yards offside. Is my job to get a fine? The handball was obvious. 100 per cent obvious.

“I don’t know about the Origi moment, but if it was a foul that makes it even harder to bear. We have a lot of these situations and nobody comes and says they are sorry. Two penalties and we are through and nobody says anything about our performance.

“But that explains the performance, we really stuck to our usual plan, and immediately we had bigger chances – we would normally take them, but we didn’t and we are out and we have to accept it, the show must go on.

'' The Saints will play the winners of Hull City versus Manchester United game tonight at Wembley on 26 February.

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