Monday, July 17, 2017


Luke Shaw has vowed to overcome the nightmare start to his Manchester United career and prove his enduring worth to Jose Mourinho.

Shaw has suffered a very poor first three seasons at United following his £27million move from Southampton back in 2014.

Fitness issues and a broken leg that virtually ruled him out of his entire second season at United have all blighted Shaw's time at Old Trafford.

Shaw is unlikely to be fit for the start of the season but the 22 year old is adamant he has what it takes to succeed at United and show he has a long-term future at Old Trafford.

“I feel that this is my season to prove myself and I’m feeling in good shape,” said Shaw.

“I want to show everyone that I believe in myself and show the manager that.

“I’m working hard and I’ve been doing rehab each day. It's been coming along really good.

“I’ve been running on a treadmill and doing my leg weights and making sure my foot is strong.

“I’ve also been doing a lot of cardiovascular work to keep me in good shape. I’m feeling good.

“The sooner I’m back the better and hopefully it is soon because I want to get out there playing.”

“I’m in a positive frame of mind and don’t want talk too much about the past, but I do think that I’ve been unlucky with injuries.
“My leg and now this. It was unlucky. I want to put them in the past.”

“At first I thought we weren’t going on tour, but deep down I think it's very important for us to come on tour,” said Shaw.

“All of the lads are away and we're with them. It's bonding for everyone to be around. I'm so glad I'm here. I'm enjoying it a lot, although I'm not playing.

“It's a really good place to be and it's a really good squad to be around. It is buzzing at the moment. This is just the start.”

Shaw, speaking to The National after United's 5-2 win over LA Galaxy in the opening game of their US tour, revealed how supportive Mourinho has been.

“When me and Ash [Ashley Young] tend to finish our sessions, we go over to see what they are doing and we see him [Mourinho],” said Shaw.

“He asks how I am, how it is going and he keeps on top of how we are and to see how far along we are.”

“I keep myself motivated in different ways. The fans especially keep me motivated.

“They're always sending good messages to me on social media. The players in the dressing room, too.

“Without them it would be very difficult but they're all superb. They're a great bunch of lads.”

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